My Social Media Workflow


  1. Upload to IG
  2. Add hashtags
  3. Share on FB && Twitter

Video content

Upload to YT -> FB && Website Article && Twitter

YouTube checklist

For the creation of YT videos I consider:

  • Description –
  • Custom Image
  • Affiliate Links to used Equipment
  • Hashtags / Labels
  • Cards referring to other videos
  • End Screen

After publishing to YT create:

  • FB add

Getting ready to make videos for youtube

The Room

The first thing I noticed: I hadn’t enough space to record properly, so time for some rearrangement:

I wasn’t happy with my keyboard “desk” after all, so I decided to buy a Zaor Misa Desk

Electronics Workbench

To be able to film the unboxing stuff I used an improvised setup. But it was time to update it with a proper desk as well:

The Sound

One big improvement for videos is the sound. So I switched from built-in mic to a lav mic for my voice.

The Lav mic did a decent job, but I had some noises of my clothes rubbing on it, so up to the next:

The Light

To improve the lighting I use a Falcon Eyes RX-8TD

The Camera Setup

The upgrade from iPhone 6 to iPhone 11 Pro was a big step. Nevertheless you need good gear to fixate it:


The gear